WOMEX Orientation for New Delegates by Alexander Walter
WOMEX Orientation for New Delegates
Women of the World Network Meeting
Lúcia de Carvalho and a future delegate
Guided tour at Womex Expo
Harouna Samake has arrived
Activities on the stands
Vishtén (Canada)
Edina Szirtes Mókus Looper Project (Hungary)
Manolito Simonet y su Trabuco (Cuba)
Nelida Karr (Equatorial Guinea)
Newen Afrobeat (Chile)
Newen Afrobeat backstage
Kel Assouf (Niger/Tunisia/Belgium)
Invisible World (Czech Republic/Turkey/Serbia)
Ariwo (Cuba/Iran/UK)
Guiss Guiss Bou Bess (Senegal/France)
Ladama (Venezuela/Brazil/USA/Colombia)
Ana Alcaide (Spain)
Ranky Tanky (USA)
Uji (Argentina)