Womex network breakfast
Cecilia Gebhard, DJ Barda
The Womex awards
Paul Bräuer, Womex communications
Sarah Ungan, Womex production
WOMEX 17 Label Award: Glitterbeat,Chris Eckman
Peter Weber, Glitterbeat
Johannes Theurer, World Music Charts Europe
Ira Kolbezen,Silvij Skok, Park Jiha, Chris Eckman, Peter Weber
Colin Bass
WOMEX 17 Professional Excellence Award: Petr Dorůžka
Womex Artist award 2017
Bintou Simporé
Oumou Sangaré receives the WOMEX 17 Artist Award from Bintou Simporé
Oumou Sangaré
Host city 2018: Las Palmas
Oumou Sangaré & band
Oumou Sangaré concert